Documentos relativos a las misiones de Sonora, Mexico, 1791- 1822.


Documentos relativos a las misiones de Sonora, Mexico, 1791- 1822.

Documents relating to the missions of Sonora and to the Yaqui Indians. Include a report on Sonoran missions, 1791; letter of Pedro de Nava, 1793, concerning salaries for missionary priests serving the presidios; padrones for 1796 for the missions of Santa María Bacerac and San Pedro and San Pablo de Tubutama; letters from Nemesio Salcedo y Salcedo, 1804, relating to spiritual needs of the Yaquis; letter from Francisco Moyano concerning the founding of a new mission in Sonora; reports from four priests of the Yaqui River area, 1814.

1 portfolio.Folders 3 & 4 : 1 microfilm reel : negative (Rich. 819:11)No. 1, 5-6 : 1 microfilm reel : negative (Rich. 669:5) and positive.


SNAC Resource ID: 7179798

UC Berkeley Libraries

Related Entities

There are 3 Entities related to this resource.

Nava, Pedro de. (person)

Salcedo y Salcedo, Nemesio, 1754-1814? (person)

Moyano, Francisco (person)